Monday, 15 April 2013

Choo Chooo It's Time For The Taggers Inc "Microcephaly Awareness" Blog Train!

Welcome to the Taggers Inc "Microcephaly Awareness" Blog Train. This is an extra Train for a very good cause.
Hop on-board and enjoy the ride, there are some awesome goodies to be had along the way by some fantastic designers :) Remember some designers are in different time zones so there may be slight time differences in posting (Just return a bit later). Allllll Aboard!!! Choooo Choooo!

Here is my part of the Train and you can download it Here 

(Click on preview to view full size image)

Here are the other stops for the Train! Please be sure to visit each one and remember to leave some love :)

Jennifer - Taggers Inc
Jenny - Jenny's Designz